The blog of Dr Glenn Andrew Peoples on Theology, Philosophy, and Social Issues

Welcome to my blog


This is just the beginning. 🙂


James, the brother of Jesus and son of Joseph


  1. Peter Grice

    It seems history has proven you correct.

  2. I am your blog addict. Why did you change from “Say Hello To My Little Friend” to “Right Reason”? Indeed ‘Right Reason’ sound more philosophical than Say Hello TO My Little Friend and does, I think, fits best with the contents of your blog. I must have missed a post explaining why the change in Title 🙂

  3. Roy

    Hello blog post of the past

    I’m a future reader. In just under eight years time, I predict that you will also start a podcast, change your name and design, enjoy WordPress updates, be involved in debates, cause people to more deeply love the word, be invited to speak at camps, set of a chain of events that will have have a conference on ‘Rethinking Hell’ and then be invited to speak at said conference. I predict too that you will be invited to speak with Brian Auten, that you will critique people like Stephen Law. I predict too that you will be interviewed on your very own blog too. The future is bright for you! Good luck.

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