Dr Peoples and his family currently reside in the Wellington region, New Zealand.
PhD, Philosophy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, graduated 2008
Thesis topic: “Religion in the Public Square.”
Supervisors: Dr Andrew Moore and Dr Charles PigdenThesis Examiners: Dr Edward Feser (Pasadena City College), Dr Alan Musgrave (University of Otago), Dr Simon Clarke (Canterbury University)
In this work I engage with the work of Robert Audi, John Rawls, Gerald Gaus and others, who argue in various ways that the religious convictions that citizens in a liberal democracy hold should not serve as the basis for their support of public policy or their decision making in the public square. I criticise this position on historical, epistemological and meta-ethical grounds.
Supervisors: Dr Andrew Moore and Dr Charles PigdenThesis Examiners: Dr Edward Feser (Pasadena City College), Dr Alan Musgrave (University of Otago), Dr Simon Clarke (Canterbury University)
In this work I engage with the work of Robert Audi, John Rawls, Gerald Gaus and others, who argue in various ways that the religious convictions that citizens in a liberal democracy hold should not serve as the basis for their support of public policy or their decision making in the public square. I criticise this position on historical, epistemological and meta-ethical grounds.
Master of Theology (Distinction), University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, graduated 2003
Thesis title: “The Role of Biblical Law in Contemporary Government.”Supervisor: Dr Gregory McCormack (now at Catholic Theological College, Melbourne)
Thesis examiners: Dr Brett Knowles (University of Otago) and Dr Walter Kaiser (Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary).
Thesis examiners: Dr Brett Knowles (University of Otago) and Dr Walter Kaiser (Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary).
Bachelor of Divinity, Bible College of New Zealand (now Laidlaw College), Henderson, New Zealand, graduated 2001
Double major, Theology (specialising in Philosophy of Religion) and Biblical Studies (specialising in New Testament).
Diploma in Media Arts, The Waikato Polytechnic (now The Waikato Institute of Technology), Hamilton, New Zealand, graduated 1997.
Major: Commercial Music
Within Philosophy:
- Philosophy of Religion
- Ethics / Meta-Ethics
- Political Philosophy
Within Theology:
- Philosophical Theology
- Moral Theology / Christian Ethics
- Historical and Systematic Theology
- Introductory Old and New Testament Studies / Biblical Theology
“The Future of Hell”
Christopher M. Date and Ron Highfield (ed.), A Consuming Passion: Essays on hell and Immortality in Honor of Edward Fudge (Eugene: Pickwick, 2015)
(Based on the plenary address at the first Rethinking Hell conference, see below)
“The Mortal God: Exploring Materialist Christology”
Charles Taliaferro and Joshua Farris (ed.), Ashgate Research Companion to Theological Anthropology (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015)
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Mind, Systematic Theology, Christology
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Mind, Systematic Theology, Christology
“Introduction to Evangelical Conditionalism”
Christopher M. Date, Gregory G. Stump, and Joshua W. Anderson (ed.), Rethinking Hell: Readings in Evangelical Conditionalism (Eugene: Cascade, 2014)
Areas Covered: Biblical and Systematic Theology
Areas Covered: Biblical and Systematic Theology
“The Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Ethics”
Philosophia Christi 13:2 (2011), 389-401
Areas Covered: Epistemology, Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Religion
Areas Covered: Epistemology, Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Religion
“A New Euthyphro”
Think: Philosophy for Everyone 9:25 (2010)
Areas Covered: Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Religion.
Areas Covered: Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Religion.
“William Hasker at the Bridge of Death”
Philosophia Christi 10:2 (2008), 393-409
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Mind (emergent dualism)
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Mind (emergent dualism)
“Fallacies in the Annihilationism Debate”
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 50:2 (2007)
Areas Covered: Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology
Areas Covered: Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology
“Faith in Public: A Reply to Greg Dawes”
Journal of Religion and Society Volume 7 (2005)
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Religion, Systematic Theology, Epistemology
Areas Covered: Philosophy of Religion, Systematic Theology, Epistemology
“The Day God Died”
Address at the 2017 Rethinking Hell conference in Auckland, New Zealand, 15 July 2017.
“The Future of Hell”
Plenary address at the first Rethinking Hell conference at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX, 11-12 July 2014.
“The Non-moral Goodness of God”
Presented to the annual conference of the Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association, University of Auckland, 17th July 2011.
Areas covered: Philosophy of Religion, Meta-ethics
Areas covered: Philosophy of Religion, Meta-ethics
“The New Atheism, Science and Morality”
Public lecture given at the University of Auckland, 6th September 2010.
Areas covered: Meta-ethics
Areas covered: Meta-ethics
“Raising the Justificatory Hurdle: How to Make Sure Religion Stays Out of Politics No Matter What”
Presented to the annual conference of the European Society for the Philosophy of Religion, University of Oxford, 27th August 2010.
Areas covered: Political Philosophy, Epistemology
Areas covered: Political Philosophy, Epistemology
“Abortion, Morality and Law”
Presentation sponsored by Prolife UC, University of Canterbury, July 2009
Areas covered: Bioethics, legal philosophy
Areas covered: Bioethics, legal philosophy
“Athanasius, Atonement and Annihilation”
Presented to the annual meeting of the Conditional Immortality Association of New Zealand, May 2007
Areas covered: Systematic and Historical Theology
Areas covered: Systematic and Historical Theology
“Theo Ethical Equilibrium?”
Presentation to the annual conference of the Evangelical Theological Society in Washington DC, November 16th 2006
Areas Covered: Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
Areas Covered: Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion
“Rawls, Rationality and Religion”
Presented to the annual conference of the Australasian Association of Philosophers in Dunedin, November 2005
Areas Covered: Political Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion
Areas Covered: Political Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion