The blog of Dr Glenn Andrew Peoples on Theology, Philosophy, and Social Issues

January 2010 stats


Each month Scrubone (I strongly suspect that this is not the name his parents gave him) produces a ranking of the top (read: mopst popular) 200 blogs in New Zealand according to a bunch of fancy shmancy statistics. Why does he do it? Who cares, he does it, and the blogosphere should be very grateful. His blog is Something Should go Here, Maybe Later but gets referred to as halfdone because of the address. Many thanks Scrubone!

No sooner is the month over, the rankings for January 2010 are out! Efficient, no? In November and January Say Hello to my Little Friend ranked fifth in New Zealand. In January it ranked fourth, right behind my good friend Matt and Mads over at M and M who ranked third. Hey, there are two of them!

Also, I have just joined a fellowship of bloggers called Biblioblogs. It’s a list of blogs that cover, among other things, biblical studies. Oh, and John Loftus’s blog is there too. I’ll add their button to my site as soon as I have made a version that’s not ugly. Their ranking for January is out now too, over at Joel’s Free Old Testament Audio site. As a new member I’ve debuted at number five, which isn’t too shabby. In the number four slot, you guessed it, M and M. Again. There are two of them. What do you expect? ๐Ÿ˜‰

As always, I have the readers to thank for any success or popularity that this place enjoys. Thank you, and please come back regularly. Bring a friend. Or ten.


When will Dawkins go after the left?


Conference: Religion in the Public Square


  1. Actually, I’m ranking as many as I can find. The fancy graph feature does the top 200 though.

    And I can happily confirm that my parents didn’t name me as such.

    The blog is named as such because there was this field called “title” and I thought I’d have a think about that and do it later. Literally.

  2. Congrats to you Glenn. Thats good news. Now if you can only find that $300.00 hr job / 1 hr a day you’ve been looking for.

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